August is the month when you WIN!
I read this morning a tweet in which a guy says that he loves to go to the gym in August. Why? Because all other guys are trying to get in the best shape for the summer, so in August, they are nowhere to be found and the gym is empty. He has all the space and freedom to work without distraction.
Get it? It’s the same in business, no matter if we’re talking about us competing with coworkers, or as business owners competing with other companies. August is the month to go all in!
Not having the money to go on vacation, when I was younger, gave me time and space to do other things. I realized that this is the month where you have the least distractions to do whatever you want to do, there is the least amount of people around. Same as waking up early in any time of the year, when there are almost no notifications. I was able to learn so much and work on so many things which gave me a leverage over the others later and helped me stand out from the rest.
When I got older, a realized that it’s the same in the world of business. You can’t find anyone in August, everything stops! And August is the month right before the last period in the year, the last quarter, when you have a chance to win big or, at least, to make it up for the results in the first 3 quarters!
In August, people really slow things down. Why is that important to you? Because, if you want to succeed, to move ahead, to win big, you need to triple down your efforts and your work. This is the time to do it, when “out of office” replies are all over emails. Let others be at the pool, at the sea, on the beach, at the parties, you put in the work and get ready to show them what you got.
Use August to set the tone for the rest of the year and for the next year, prepare yourself. It is the way I got there I am, to the General Manager position in the company I’m currently working in, Iuvo Omega Ltd. I used August to work on my skills, to educate myself, to set up the tone of how I’m going to work and to get ready to implement it. And when I started, it couldn’t get unnoticed. I was working harder than the others, more than the others, smarter than the others, but I also helped others, educated others and helped them become better in what they do along with me becoming better. And boom, one day I received the call and took over the General Manager position. You can do it, too.
That’s one way to look at August. Maybe you’re a big time hustler, so you work hard all year, just like I am now. Then, August is the month for you to take a rest and gather energy to continue to work hard as you always did.
Let me know if this helped you in comments, let’s talk more.
Cheers, Dan
Article was previously published here: